ReProvision Reborn

ReProvision Reborn

IPA Installer for iOS
ReProvision Reborn

ReProvision Reborn is a game-changer for iOS users seeking hassle-free IPA installation. Born out of the original ReProvision project, this revamped version brings compatibility with iOS 13, iOS 14, and iOS 15, ensuring you stay up-to-date. With ReProvision Reborn, you can sign and install IPA files directly on your iOS device, eliminating the need for a desktop. Jailbreak your device, download the latest version, and experience the freedom of on-device IPA installation.

Key Features of ReProvision Reborn:

1.Support for Free and Paid Apple Developer Accounts: Whether you have a free or paid Apple developer account, ReProvision Reborn has you covered. Enjoy the ability to install up to three apps with a free account, automatically repeating the signing process every 7 days.

2. Automatic Re-Signing and App Management: ReProvision Reborn simplifies app management with automatic re-signing of locally provisioned apps. Monitor the list of recently signed and expiring apps effortlessly.

3. IPA Installation Flexibility: Download IPA files through Safari and install them directly from the app. ReProvision Reborn also supports a URL scheme, enabling direct installation from compatible URLs.

4. Apple Watch App Signing: Seamlessly sign and install Apple Watch apps alongside iOS apps. ReProvision Reborn ensures a smooth experience for both devices.

5. Jailbreak Community Support: ReProvision Reborn is a gift to the jailbreak community, allowing iOS users to maintain their jailbroken environment by automatically re-signing jailbreak apps in the background.

6. Open-Source and Community-Driven: ReProvision Reborn is an open-source project, hosted on GitHub. Contribute to the project, build it yourself, and be part of the thriving community dedicated to maintaining and improving this essential IPA signing tool.

Unlock the Power of ReProvision Reborn:

Jailbroken users, make ReProvision Reborn your go-to app for maintaining a secure and hassle-free IPA installation experience. Install it on your device after jailbreaking, and enjoy the benefits of automatic re-signing. For non-jailbroken devices, the TrollStore app offers a CoreTrust bypass for permanent app installation on stock iOS.
Embrace the convenience and flexibility of ReProvision Reborn today. Visit the GitHub Repository for the latest files and contribute to this thriving community-driven project. Experience the freedom of on-device IPA installation and enjoy the journey of open-source development.

System Requirements Made Easy

To enjoy the benefits of ReProvision Reborn, ensure your device meets the following requirements:

1. Device Compatibility: ReProvision Reborn is compatible with iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch devices.

2. Supported Operating Systems: Your device should be running iOS 9 to iOS 14 for optimal performance with ReProvision Reborn.

3. Package Manager: Install Cydia, Sileo, Zebra, or another package manager on your device for seamless integration with ReProvision Reborn.

Meet these requirements and unlock the power of ReProvision Reborn, simplifying IPA signing on your iOS device. Elevate your app installation experience today!

Choose Your Jailbreak Tool for ReProvision Reborn

Unlock the full potential of ReProvision Reborn by jailbreaking your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with one of these reliable jailbreak tools. With these tools, you can seamlessly download and install any .ipa file and enjoy a world of possibilities.

1. Unc0ver Jailbreak

2. Taurine Jailbreak

3. Checkra1n Jailbreak

4. Fugu14 Jailbreak

5. Palera1n Jailbreak

6. p0laris Jailbreak

7. Manticore Jailbreak

8. iRemovalRa1n Jailbreak

Get ReProvision Repo on Cydia

Installing the official ReProvision Repo on your Cydia app is a straightforward process. Once you have it on your device, say goodbye to revoked apps and gain the ability to manage app certificates effortlessly. Follow the instructions below to download the ReProvision Reborn Repo. If you're using other app package managers like Sileo, Installer, or Zebra, you can use the same link provided to add it as a source.

Here's how to do it:

1. Open the Cydia app on your jailbroken iOS device.

2. Navigate to Sources > Edit > Add.

3. Enter the following URL and tap on "Add this URL":

4. Go to the Search section and type "ReProvision Reborn" in the search bar.

5. Locate the ReProvision app and install it.

6. Restart the Springboard to complete the installation process.

With ReProvision Repo now added to Cydia, you can enjoy seamless app management and a worry-free experience with revoked apps. Take control of your app certificates and streamline your iOS device experience.

Compatibility iOS & iPadOS:

iOS 16.0 | iOS 16.0.1 | iOS 16.0.2| iOS 16.1 | iOS 16.1.1 | iOS 16.1.2 | iOS 16.2 | iOS 16.3 | iOS 16.4 | iOS 16.4.1 | iOS 16.5 | iOS 16.5.1 | iOS 16.6
iOS 15.0 | iOS 15.0.1 | iOS 15.0.2 | iOS 15.1 | iOS 15.2 | iOS 15.2.1 | iOS 15.3 | iOS 15.3.1 | iOS 15.4 | iOS 15.4.1 | iOS 15.5 | iOS 15.6 | iOS 15.6.1 | iOS 15.7 | iOS 15.7.1 | iOS 15.7.2| iOS 15.7.3| iOS 15.7.4 | iOS 15.7.5 | iOS 15.7.6 | iOS 15.7.7
iOS 14.0 | iOS 14.0.1 | iOS 14.1 | iOS 14.2 | iOS 14.3 | iOS 14.4 | iOS 14.4.1 | iOS 14.4.2 | iOS 14.5 | iOS 14.5.1 | iOS 14.6 | iOS 14.7 | iOS 14.7.1 | iOS 14.8 | iOS 14.8.1
iOS 13 | iOS 13.1 | iOS 13.1.1 | iOS 13.1.2 | iOS 13.1.3 | iOS 13.2 | iOS 13.2.2 | iOS 13.2.3 | iOS 13.3 | iOS 13.3.1 | iOS 13.4 | iOS 13.4.1 | iOS 13.5 | iOS 13.5.1 | iOS 13.6 | iOS 13.6.1 | iOS 13.7
iOS 12 | iOS 12.0.1 | iOS 12.1 | iOS 12.1.1 | iOS 12.1.2 | iOS 12.1.3 | iOS 12.1.4 | iOS 12.2 | iOS 12.3 | iOS 12.3.1 | iOS 12.3.2 | iOS 12.4 | iOS 12.4.1 | iOS 12.4.2 | iOS 12.4.3 | iOS 12.4.4 | iOS 12.4.5 | iOS 12.4.6 | iOS 12.4.7 | iOS 12.4.8 | iOS 12.4.9 | iOS 12.5 | iOS 12.5.1 | iOS 12.5.2 | iOS 12.5.3 | iOS 12.5.4 | iOS 12.5.5 | iOS 12.5.6
iOS 11 | iOS 11.0.1 | iOS 11.0.2 | iOS 11.0.3 | iOS 11.1 | iOS 11.1.1 | iOS 11.1.2 | iOS 11.2 | iOS 11.2.1 | iOS 11.2.2 | iOS 11.2.5 | iOS 11.2.6 | iOS 11.3 | iOS 11.3.1 | iOS 11.4 | iOS 11.4.1
iOS 10 | iOS 10.0.2 | iOS 10.0.3 | iOS 10.1 | iOS 10.1.1 | iOS 10.2 | iOS 10.2.1 | iOS 10.3 | iOS 10.3.1 | iOS 10.3.2 | iOS 10.3.3 | iOS 10.3.4
iOS 9 | iOS 9.0.1 | iOS 9.0.2 | iOS 9.1 | iOS 9.2 | iOS 9.2.1 | iOS 9.3 | iOS 9.3.1 | iOS 9.3.2 | iOS 9.3.3 | iOS 9.3.4 | iOS 9.3.5 | iOS 9.3.6

Compatibility Devices:

With ReProvision Reborn, IPA signing is a breeze on your jailbroken device. Experience seamless installation and management of apps directly on your iPhone. To check if your latest iPhone is jailbreakable, use our exclusive AI-powered Jailbreak Finder. Install ReProvision Reborn and elevate your iOS experience today.

Discover What's New in ReProvision Reborn

Experience the latest enhancements and improvements with the updated version of ReProvision Reborn. Here's what you can expect:

Enhanced Compatibility:

1. Support for installing apps with multibyte characters in their app names, expanding the range of supported applications.
2. Fixed issues with the share menu, ensuring a seamless sharing experience.

Improved Functionality:

1. Updated Idid to support iOS 15, enabling smooth operation on the latest iOS version.
2. Resolved the bug related to .apex installation, ensuring successful installation of .apex files.
2. Fixed the issue where the app would persist even if the user disabled the "automatically re-sign" option, providing more control over app re-signing.

Expanded iOS Support:

1. Added support for iOS 14, allowing users to enjoy ReProvision Reborn on devices running this iOS version
2. Extended support for iOS 15, ensuring compatibility with the latest iOS release.
2. Included support for arm64e devices, broadening the range of compatible devices.

Enhanced Certificate Handling:

1. Fixed errors related to certificates, ensuring a smooth signing process.
2. Resolved signing issues by leveraging AltSign technology, improving the overall signing experience.

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  • Category:IPA Signer Apps
  • Platform: iOS
  • Developer: @reprovision
  • Downloads:978.k
  • Last Update:

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