Find All TrollStore IPA Apps

TrollStore IPA Apps

TrollStore is a tool that can install IPA files on iOS devices and provide ongoing support for both iOS versions 15.0 through 15.5 beta 5, and versions 14.0 through 14.8.1. This tool uses AMFI/CoreTrust to verify that the app is signed with the correct root certificate and has not been revoked. One can download and install various applications such as IPA files, BlizzBoard, Filza File Manager, AppStore++, Unc0ver Launcher, Red dot, and more.

Discover TrollStore, your ultimate solution for sideloading apps on iOS without restrictions. With this innovative iOS application, you can bypass App Store verification and permanently install any IPA files of your choice. Say goodbye to the hassle of resigning apps every 7 days!

Why Choose Trollstore?

Trollstore is a game-changing iOS application that offers the following benefits:

  1. Effortless Installation: Experience a seamless installation process with Trollstore.
  2. Unlimited App Usage: Enjoy the freedom to use any app indefinitely without limitations.
  3. No Jailbreak Required: Say goodbye to jailbreaking; Trollstore works flawlessly without the need for jailbreaking your device.

Installation Guide for iOS 15.0 - 15.1.1:

Please note the following instructions before proceeding:

Follow these steps to install TrollStore on your device:

  1. Download the TrollStore Installer IPA using the provided download button below.
  2. Choose your preferred method to install the IPA file (AltStore / iOS App Signer / Sideloady / or any other method you prefer).
  3. Open the app and click the install button.
  4. Wait for the installation process to complete.
  5. If your phone reboots at this stage, go back to step 3.
  6. An alert will appear once TrollStore is successfully installed. Click "close," and the app will exit.
  7. If TrollStore appears on your home screen, launch it. If not, reboot your device, and it should appear afterward. Then, launch it.
  8. Access the settings tab and select "Install l did" to enable TrollStore to install unsigned apps.
  9. (Optional) Tap "Install Persistence Helper" and choose a system app you don't frequently use (e.g., Tips) from the provided list. For more information on the persistence helper, refer to the details below.

Installation Guide for iOS 14:

Please note that a jailbreak is required for iOS 14 installations. Follow these steps to install TrollStore on your device:

  1. Download the TrollHelper deb using the provided download button below (TrollHelper will soon be available on the Havoc repo).
  2. Install the TrollHelper deb using Filza, Sileo, or Zebra.
  3. If the TrollHelper icon appears on your home screen, launch the app. If not, run "uicache," and it should appear afterward. Then, launch it.
  4. Tap the "Install TrollStore" button.
  5. After a brief moment, your device will respring, and TrollStore will be available on your home screen. Launch the app.
  6. Access the settings tab and select "Install ldid" to enable TrollStore to install unsigned apps.
  7. Congratulations! You have successfully installed TrollStore. In iOS 14, there is no need to install the persistence helper into a system app. TrollHelper serves as your persistence helper, persisting through icon cache reloads and functioning even when not jailbroken.

Experience the freedom of app installation with TrollStore today. Start exploring the possibilities!